I have come across the term Glycemic Index so many times and its about time this term gets explained. In simple words, this is a measure of how quickly the blood sugar level rises after eating any type of food – ranging from meats to fruits. The Glycemic Index or the GI of a food is a great comparative measure of what impact do different foods have on the blood sugar level. The index is relative to the GI of Glucose which sits at a 100.
Therefore, a food with a low GI will release glucose more slowly in a prolonged manner compared to a hi GI food which causes a rapid almost abrupt rise in blood glucose levels. Much research indicates that high GI foods may cause obesity. I am personally experimenting with consuming low GI foods and willl update this blog with results. I am in my third week of the slow carb diet.
Note that the GI does not measure the amount of carbs consumed and has no reference to it. Also, GI of a food having one value in many charts is misleading as its ripeness, types of same food, cooking methods, processing of the food, length of storage etc. changes its value.
More about the GI soon…Good Night!
– Gary Saggu